Outten & Golden LLP partner Wendi S. Lazar is quoted in this Harvard Business Review case study about office romance.
When star salesperson Elizabeth starts dating Brad, the CFO of her company, she has high hopes for the relationship. She doesn’t report to him, so there’s no conflict there, and he’s a smart, interesting guy. But when he dumps her for another coworker and flaunts the new relationship, Elizabeth finds herself in what now feels like a hostile workplace. Her boss tells her to “get over it,” but she’s not sure she can. Commentators Karen Firestone, author of “Even the Odds: Sensible Risk-Taking in Business, Investing and Life,” and Wendi S. Lazar, partner of the employment law firm Outten & Golden, weigh in on whether Elizabeth should stay in her lucrative job or call back the headhunters who’ve been pursuing her and move on. (Harvard Business Review, September 2016 issue.)