
STATUS: Active

Case Number: 3:23-cv-03728

Outten & Golden LLP represents a group of plaintiffs who have filed a case raising concerns about overtime practices at Odoo, a global business management software company. These plaintiffs, including individuals with titles like Account Executive, Account Manager, and Customer Success Manager, worked as Sales Representatives and allege that Odoo incorrectly classified them as exempt from federal and state overtime provisions when, in reality, their job duties qualified them for overtime pay. This misclassification resulted in employees being denied the overtime wages they deserved, the complaint alleges.

According to the plaintiffs, they were tasked with meeting challenging sales targets, which often compelled them to work well beyond the standard 8-hour workday and 40-hour workweek. Despite their dedication, they claim that they did not receive rightful compensation for the extra hours worked, in violation of labor laws.

Outten & Golden LLP is committed to upholding the rights of workers and holding employers accountable to adhere to labor laws. If you have faced similar issues in your workplace or have concerns about your employment rights, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your rights are important, and we are here to support you.

Case Details: Overtime Pay Case at Odoo


Plaintiffs: Three former Odoo Sales Representatives, representing themselves and others in similar circumstances, are pursuing this case through their attorneys at Outten & Golden LLP.

Defendants: Odoo, a global business management software company, operates numerous offices worldwide, including a significant presence in San Francisco, California and Buffalo, New York.


Job Titles: Plaintiffs, on behalf of themselves and others who held positions such as Account Executive, Account Manager, Channel Account Manager, and Customer Success Manager, commonly referred to as “Sales Representatives,” claim that they were classified as exempt from overtime at Odoo.

Working Conditions: Plaintiffs allege that Odoo imposed demanding productivity requirements on Sales Representatives, including multiple monthly sales quotas. This often compelled employees, including Plaintiffs, to work extended hours, surpassing the 8-hour workday and 40-hour workweek thresholds for overtime pay, the complaint alleges.

Unpaid Overtime: Throughout their employment with Odoo, Plaintiffs assert they consistently worked beyond 8 hours per day and 40 hours per workweek without receiving proper overtime compensation, in violation of labor laws, including the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), California Labor Code (Cal. Lab. Code), and New York Labor Law (NYLL).

Exemption Misclassification: Despite the primary duties being non-exempt and similar among Sales Representatives, Odoo uniformly classified them as exempt from federal and state overtime provisions, Plaintiffs allege.

(*Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.)


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