3 Tips For Using Tech In Equal Pay Compliance

June 6, 2023

States and cities across the country are adopting stronger equal pay laws — be it requiring employers to post salary ranges in job postings or limiting employers’ ability to defend a pay disparity to job-related reasons. This evolution in the equal pay landscape runs parallel to an increased awareness of the power and pitfalls of technology to confront discrimination.

Artificial intelligence is often maligned as a perpetuator of bias. But that perspective ignores the “great promise of AI,” said Niloy Ray, a shareholder with management-side firm Littler Mendelson PC.

“The more we can move our businesses to rely on sufficiently reliable predictive AI tools, the more likely we are to eliminate those systemic biases that exist within human decision making,” he said.

Here, Law360 explores three tips for employers to keep in mind as they evaluate how to incorporate technology into their equal pay compliance.